/cast Mutilate
/startattack [harm]
2: This one will allow the use non used up combat points between fights to a Recuperate that will keep your uptime or, in combat, will execute an Envenom, pop all the trinkets and an eventual engineering on-use gloves enchant.
/cast [nocombat] Recuperate
/cast [combat] Envenom
/use [combat] 10
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14
3: This one allows you to only have one button to apply and keep your DoT (Rupture) and buff (Slice and dice) all the times. Start by applying the DoT with the first combo points available, immediately buff SnD, generate more combo points and Envenom for SnD to be refreshed to full duration. After this keep Rupture with this macro. In most situations 5 seconds should be enough of a reset to keep applying Rupture without SnD being the active macro option.
/cast [nocombat] Slice and Dice
/castsequence [combat] reset=5,combat Rupture, Slice and Dice
4: This one is a button economy macro. If you're not in combat it will put you in stealth. If you're in combat it will activate Dispatch and try to pop all trinkets and an eventual engineering glove enchant.
/cast [nocombat] Stealth
/cast [combat] Dispatch
/use [combat] 10
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14
5: Button economy, more or less. Usually best for when you save the 2 cooldowns for burst phases (heroism, etc). try to keep the Shadow Blades hotkey in a reachable place because the 2 cooldowns have diferent timers.
/castsequence reset=100 Vendetta, Shadow Blades
6: Same as last one. Trying to economize 2 buttons into 1. Sprint followed by engineering belt enchant.
/castsequence reset=50 Sprint, 6
7: This one is button economy rolled into PVP utility and/or PVE situational uses (think the mobs in the day phase of the second boss in Terrace of Endless springs). Keep Smoke Bomb hotkey nearby, specially after patch 5.2 since it will provide raid utility.
/castsequence reset=10 Kidney Shot, Smoke Bomb, Gouge
Comments and constructive contributions are welcome.
Comments and constructive contributions are welcome.